
The will to grow together



At La Finca Unidad we know that the success of a company depends on its people. For this reason, our Human Resources department focuses on supporting and improving the capabilities of our collaborators. We are an organization that is committed to the professional growth of our employees. In this sense, we have a training program that is developed every year that takes into account the needs of our collaborators, in order to achieve their continuous development. We also provide periodic training so that they can apply for positions of greater responsibility in the Agricultural, Harvest, Operations, Safety and General Services areas. In addition, each year the company recognizes its most outstanding operators.

La Finca Unidad offers very attractive working conditions for pickers, as they work on a production basis, that is, they do not have to cut cane every day. Our harvesters enjoy incentives, bonuses and a salary based on their productivity. Like operators and employees in other areas, at the end of each harvest, the pickers with the highest rates of punctuality, attendance and production receive recognition from the company.

We also have a productivity and permanence incentive with which the company pays an incentive to each picker per ton cut during the harvest. This incentive is paid 15 days after the end of the harvest to workers who remain for the entire period.

Record of attendance at the cutting station: every harvester must record his or her entry and exit to and from the cutting with his or her fingerprint. This record is necessary for lifting and weighing the cane in the field.

Year-end bonus: the company pays this bonus to the harvesters, which is the equivalent of one-twelfth of the income received during the calendar year. This payment is made during the first week of December.

Vacations: At the end of the harvest, La Finca Unidad pays harvesters their vacations in accordance with the Dominican Republic’s Labor Code.

Other: The company provides a range of protective equipment so that harvesters can perform their work safely and efficiently.

La Finca Unidad provides free health care coverage for the harvesters, lodging, transportation to the cutting points, and lunch and dinner per cutting day. In addition, the company provides drinking water at the harvesting fronts.

All payments for pickers and harvest workers are made biometrically (through their fingerprints), so it is essential that they register their fingerprint each workday to keep records of the work performed.


Internship program

La Finca Unidad believes in people who study and, for this reason, offers vacancies through its successful internship program. In fact, 60% of the company’s professionals are graduates of this program. Throughout the year, La Finca Unidad receives students from different universities in the country, who join our organization as interns with a fixed salary.

Would you like to participate in our internship program? Click here.



Through the Apprentice project, La Finca Unidad trains its employees so that they can grow in the company and occupy key positions. The objective is to provide professionalization tools in three main areas: Apprentice Mechanic Technician, Apprentice Operator Technician (tractors, harvesters, harvesters and headers) and Apprentice Butler. In the past, it was difficult for the company to find qualified people to operate the different specialized machinery involved in harvesting tasks, but three years later, the project has yielded excellent results. For example, in the last harvest, it was not necessary to hire external operators, since all the positions were occupied by internal collaborators, who had been trained by experts from La Finca Unidad and through training coordinated by the National Institute for Technical and Vocational Training (INFOTEP for its Spanish acronym).


Employee union

A good relationship with our employees is fundamental for the organization. For this reason, since the foundation of La Finca Unidad there has been an employee union. The company and the union signed a three-year agreement (2019-2021) which, in addition to regulating working conditions, guaranteed employees a 21% salary increase, a direct 5% annual increase and a 2% annual increase for goals (by way of bonuses). It also established a university and technical scholarship plan for employees and their children at the La Romana campus of the Universidad Federico Henríquez y Carvajal (UFHEC), the Universidad Central del Este, in San Pedro de Macorís, and the Instituto Tecnológico de las Américas (ITLA), in Santo Domingo.