Corporate profile

La Finca Unidad

thousand tons per year of cane produced

La Finca Unidad (LFU) is an agricultural company that produces sugarcane for the CAEI Sugar Factory. It was founded in 2010 by the Guatemalan Campollo Group and, as of 2014, became part of CAEI. The land that is cultivated by La Finca Unidad has been fundamental for CAEI’s commercial expansion, since 42% of the sugarcane processed by the factory comes from our fields. These cane fields are distributed over 14,888 hectares in the provinces of Hato Mayor, El Seibo and San Pedro de Macorís.

Currently, La Finca Unidad has approximately 1,300 employees (mostly agricultural). The average annual sugarcane produced by La Finca Unidad is around 600,000 tons and, given that there are many uncultivated hectares, it is expected that this production will continue to grow over the next years.

The professional and human growth of our employees is one of the pillars of La Finca Unidad. For this reason, the company develops several projects so that people can grow together with the communities around us. La Finca Unidad coordinates its operations from six management or departmental units: Harvest, Field, Physical Security, Human Resources, Agricultural Machinery and Community Relations.

In 2017, La Finca Unidad received two certifications, one granted by Bonsucro and the other one by ProTerra, for being an economically sustainable company that manages its operations taking into account its social and environmental impact. La Finca Unidad also has a Safety, Hygiene and Occupational Health certification, granted by the Ministry of Labor of the Dominican Republic, which certifies that it is a company that prevents and controls risks to avoid accidents in the workplace that may generate occupational diseases.

Corporate philosophy


We are an agricultural company focused on the cultivation, harvesting and sale of sugarcane, meeting the quality standards of our customers, committed to legal and environmental compliance, ensuring the profitability of the company, and generating a sustainable environment with our stakeholders.

To be the best performing and cost competitive sugarcane producer in the region, through the adaptation and innovation of efficient processes and technologies, committed to the development of our environment.

Commitment: To society and the environment, because we understand that they are the basis of our development.
Honesty: Our actions and decisions are based on justice and truth.
Integrity: We base our decisions on the idea of well-being for ourselves and our environment.
Teamwork: We exalt and offer our individual qualities in search of the best common result for our company.


Organizational structure

At the pace of progress

La Finca Unidad’s territorial and commercial expansion has allowed the development of small and medium-sized businesses located in the communities near our sugarcane plantations. Many of our employees were born or live very close to the fields. Through our social programs and the Managerial Social Responsibility Fund, the company develops various projects for everyone’s benefit, regardless of whether the beneficiaries are employees of the company or not. Currently, La Finca Unidad is planting sugarcane on land that has not been cultivated for more than 20 years. As an additional benefit for the communities, the company has improved land access roads between remote towns in the provinces of Hato Mayor, El Seibo and San Pedro de Macorís.